Introduction: How to use the Highland Care Framework

The Highland Care Framework for HD is divided into 16 topics.

If viewing on a PC, laptop or large screened mobile device: The topics are located down the left hand side of your screen.  Simply click on the topic you wish to explore. Information on that topic will then appear on your screen in collapsible boxes. Click on these boxes to access the required information. You can navigate to other sections of the site via the menu displayed along the top of your screen.

If viewing on a small screened mobile device:  The topics can be viewed via a drop down menu located at the top left of your screen.  Simply click on this menu to reveal the topics, then click on the topic you wish to explore. Information on that topic will then appear on your screen in collapsible boxes. Click on these boxes to access the required information. You can navigate to other sections of the site via the drop down menu at the top right of the screen.

National Care Framework for Huntington's Disease
