Getting support with day-to-day living and reducing isolation
Examples of Support
Key Services and People
Scottish Huntington’s Association Youth Project (SHAYP) / Specialist Youth Advisors
Advocacy Services ( Highland, Argyll & Bute )
Appropriate recreational & leisure opportunities ( Capability Scotland, Focus on Disability, Scottish Men’s Sheds Association, Highland Disability Sport )
Assistive Technology ( Highland, Argyll & Bute )
Carer Support Services (e.g. NHS Highland , Highland Council , Argyll & Bute Council , Highland Carers Advocacy , Carers Trust , Carers Scotland , Shared Care Scotland , Care Information Scotland)
Children’s Services including third sector (e.g. Childline, Barnardo’s , Children 1st, NSPCC , Action for Children, Breathing Space)
Connecting Carers
Counselling Services ( Scottish Counselling Services , Relationships Scotland , Samaritans , Breathing Space )
Equipment and Adaptations (Highland , Argyll & Bute )
Faith based organisations ( see Highland Chaplaincy Services , Argyll & Bute Chaplaincy Services , Interfaith Scotland )
Family Services, including third sector (e.g. Turning Point , Breathing Space , Richmond Fellowship, Parentline)
Foodbanks ( Highland , Argyll & Bute )
HD Support Groups
Health & Community Care Services ( Highland , Argyll & Bute )
Occupational Therapy ( Highland , Argyll & Bute )
Social Work/ Self Directed Support (Highland , Argyll & Bute )
Specialist clothing (e.g. Limon Attire)
Volunteering ( NHS Highland , Highland Council , Volunteer Argyll & Bute , Volunteer Highland , Argyll & Bute Third Sector Interface , Highland Third Sector Interface )
Wheelchair & Specialist Seating Services ( Highland , Argyll & Bute )
Integrated Multi Agency Arrangements, Referral Pathways and Resources
Individuals should have support to be part of their local community in line with Health & Social Care Standards.
Police to keep people with HD on Vulnerable Adults Database, where appropriate.
Fire Brigade to offer risk assessment to all people with HD, where appropriate.
Health & Social Care Partnerships to provide an allocated worker to link with specialist team for all HD clients, where appropriate.