Getting support to adapt your home or live where you choose
Examples of Support
Housing adaptations ( e.g. wet floor shower room, extensions )
Specialist assessment and equipment ( e.g. handrails, temperature sensing equipment, remote door openers )
Advice about local authority grants
Advice about falls prevention
Advice about planning for the future ( e.g. needing a carer to stay overnight, adapting a house for a wheelchair )
Being part of the community and having access to outside spaces
Advice about mortgages and housing benefit or Council Tax
Financial planning
Key Services and People
Lothian HD Service ( HD Clinical Lead , HD Specialists , Specialist Youth Advisor , Financial Wellbeing Officer )
Housing Departments ( Edinburgh City , Midlothian , East Lothian , West Lothian )
Health & Social Care Services ( NHS Lothian, Edinburgh City HSCP , Midlothian HSCP , East Lothian HSCP , West Lothian HSCP )
Community Occupational Therapy ( also see Edinburgh City , Midlothian, East Lothian , West Lothian )
Homeless Services ( Edinburgh City , Midlothian , East Lothian , West Lothian , Shelter , Crisis , Bethany Christian Trust , Emmaus , Centrepoint , Salvation Army )
Assistive Technology
Wheelchair & seating services
Safety and monitoring systems ( Edinburgh City , East Lothian , West Lothian , Midlothian )
Falls Prevention & Management
Integrated Multi Agency Arrangements, Referral Pathways and Resources
There should be a nominated Housing Officer – or local area coordination group – in each area with whom the HD Specialists can liaise to highlight clients with complex needs or who are facing difficulties resolving their housing problems.