Getting support out of hours

Examples of Support
Support to deal with emergency situations

Emergency admission to care

Accessing emotional support

Signposting to correct services

Key Services and People

NHS 24

Social work out of hours ( Angus & Dundee City , Perth & Kinross )

Out of hours general adult psychiatry service and Crisis Resolution & Home Treatment Teams through NHS 24

Third Sector helplines (NHS Tayside SignpostingSamaritans , Breathing Space, Turning Point Scotland , Childline , NSPCC  )

Technology Enabled Care


Fire Brigade



Integrated Multi Agency Arrangements, Referral Pathways and Resources
With consent of client a GP should have completed a Key Information Summary (KIS) entry to ensure that clinical information and care plans can be shared electronically with A&E, NHS24 and Scottish Ambulance Service

Information to be shared via SCI Gateway

The Care Framework is available to all services providing out of hours support.

Requests for out of hours support are immediately notified to the core specialist team via client management system.

Out of hours clinical staff  should be able to access anticipatory care plans, if available. Each client with an anticipatory care plan should have their own copy.

Service standards for NHS 24 and Social Work Direct
People living with HD and their families can easily access urgent, out of hours, support.
National Care Framework for Huntington's Disease
