Getting information and advice about HD and someone to support you
Examples of Support
Key Services and People
Occupational Therapy
Clinical psychology/neuropsychology
Scottish Huntington’s Association
Scottish Huntington’s Association Youth Service / Specialist Youth Advisors
Advocacy Services (e.g. Aims Advocacy (North Ayrshire), Circles Network (South Ayrshire), East Ayrshire Advocacy Service, Barnardo’s, Who Cares? Scotland)
Mental Health Services
Social Work (North Ayrshire, South Ayrshire, East Ayrshire)
NHS Choices
Dental Services
Integrated Multi Agency Arrangements, Referral Pathways and Resources
Open referral to HD Specialists or Specialist Youth Advisors
All clients should be provided with a referral pack appropriate to their needs, including a service leaflet detailing available specialist support
All clients with a new diagnosis of HD should be directed to the HD Road Map
G.P. information services, such as SCI Gateway and/or local alternative, should clearly identify HD Specialists as main point of contact for information and advice about HD.
North Ayrshire, South Ayrshire and East Ayrshire Social Work departments have close links with mental health teams.
Every client should have a named HD Specialist
Referral to individual service standards