Care at the end of life

Examples of Support
Advanced symptom management

Anticipatory care planning

Preparing for end of life

Reviewing living wills

Managing risks around swallowing and maintaining good nutrition

Managing oral health

Maintaining communication

Recognising and addressing pain

Recognising and addressing depression/anxiety

Assessment for specialist equipment ( e.g. seating, wheelchairs )

Ensuring emotional support for families & recognising their expert knowledge of the client

Spiritual needs of person/ family

Key Services and People

Lothian HD Service ( HD Clinical Lead , HD Specialists , Specialist Youth Advisor , Financial Wellbeing Officer )

Palliative Care Services

Care Homes


Speech & Language Therapy


Occupational Therapy  ( also see Edinburgh City ,  Midlothian, East Lothian , West Lothian )

District Nurses (via GP)

Faith based organisations ( see Spiritual Care Services or  Local Interfaith Forum )

Wheelchair & seating services

Lanfine Service


Integrated Multi Agency Arrangements, Referral Pathways and Resources

There are clear links to specialist community palliative care services who can provide input and advice when required for people with HD who have complex needs.

Hospice placements are available and there are clear criteria for referral.

GPs are aware and involved in end of life care and act as the Responsible Medical Officer when appropriate.

Relevant faith organisations are involved, in line with client’s belief system and with their consent

GP to ensure that the Key Information Summary ( KIS ) is updated following any significant change or clinical deterioration to enable relevant clinical information to be shared with health professionals providing care during the out of hours period.

People with symptoms of HD and their families receive good health and social care support that promotes their physical and emotional wellbeing throughout life
National Care Framework for Huntington's Disease
