Moving to supported accommodation and long term care

Examples of Support
Help with choosing a care home

Managing transitions

Financial planning

Respite prior to move to long term care

Ensuring care staff have sufficient info and training on HD

Access to specialist equipment in long term care

Supporting staff to understand changes in behaviour

Key Services and People

Social work  ( North LanarkshireSouth Lanarkshire )

HD Clinic ( HD Clinical Lead, HD Specialists, Specialist Youth Advisor, Financial Wellbeing Officer )

Care Inspectorate

Care Homes ( All care homes , Care homes suitable for younger adults )

Advocacy ( North Lanarkshire ,  South Lanarkshire )

Occupational Therapy ( North Lanarkshire  ,  South Lanarkshire )

 SHA Moving in to Care Factsheet

Neuropsychology ( 01236 712 564 )

Faith based organisations ( see  Chaplaincy Services or  Interfaith Forum )

Power of Attorney/Welfare Guardian

Integrated Multi Agency Arrangements, Referral Pathways and Resources
The multi-disciplinary team will support each individual and their family to plan for their long term care needs. This may include support to live at home, supported housing or long term nursing home care.

There is a local commissioning plan which identifies a range of resources to meet the individual needs of people with HD.

A number of supported accommodation and care home providers are identified and commissioned to provide specialist care for people with symptoms of HD. There are clear arrangements for multi-disciplinary care and care provided in line with National Nursing Home Contract .

There are clear liaison arrangements, training, support and capacity building with the specialist core team.

Nursing homes must liaise regularly with their named HD Specialist where there are changes or new concerns about the person with HD.

Checklist to be provided to enable clients to choose the best provider for their needs.

Families supported by HD Specialist or Care Manager to view care homes to inform their decisions.


Care is consistent with the Health & Social Care Standards for Scotland

Every person living in a care home receives regular reviews, with an annual review by a local specialist team as a minimum to ensure health & social care requirements are being met.

HD Specialist or specialist team to be advised when there are any changes to care requirements.

In a long term care setting all aspects of care should comply with the HD Framework.

People living with HD and their families have a positive experience of long term care and are satisfied with their quality of life.
National Care Framework for Huntington's Disease
