Support to plan for the future

Examples of Support
Making advance directives

Anticipatory Care Plans



Power of Attorney

Funeral planning

Conflicting views

Cultural considerations

Choosing care placement

Organ Donation & Brain Donation


Financial planning

Integrated Multi Agency Arrangements, Referral Pathways and Resources
The most appropriate member of the multi-disciplinary team will provide the lead on future planning and will complete the Scottish Huntington’s Association Future Planning Documentation with all clients who wish it. Clients will be made aware of their options regarding legal frameworks, advance statements and values history statements.

Where appropriate every symptomatic client should be offered a discussion about having an anticipatory care plan, with one being put in place based on individual need. HD Specialists will refer and liaise with the client’s GP

With consent of client a GP should complete a Key Information Summary (KIS)  entry.

Individual future plans should be revisited as part of an annual review of care and support.

Advice and support is consistent with Royal College of Nursing and General Medical Guidance on conducting future care conversations and in line with Mental Health ( Care & Treatment ) ( Scotland ) Act 2003 , Adults with Incapacity ( Scotland ) Act 2000

Also see Standards of service used ( e.g. Office of Public Guardian, Palliative Care Standards, H&SC Standards, Scot Gov/ SIGN standards )

People living with HD and their families feel empowered and are more confident that appropriate plans are in place to ensure their future wishes are respected and that their future care needs have been anticipated.
National Care Framework for Huntington's Disease
